Tag Archives: New Age

Coffee vs. Caffeinated Beverages: Why Coffee Takes the Crown

Coffee is undoubtedly the most popular and beloved caffeinated beverage of all time. Whether you’re an avid coffee drinker or just enjoy the occasional cup, it’s hard to deny that coffee has a unique flavor and energizing effects that no other caffeinated beverage can replicate. With so many caffeinated options on the market today, it can be hard to decide which one is the best for you. In this blog post, we’ll explore why coffee takes the crown when it comes to caffeinated beverages.

The Science Behind Caffeine

Coffee, one of the most consumed beverages in the world, has a long history and is deeply ingrained in our daily routines. Coffee beans come from the Coffea plant, which grows in countries near the equator. After being harvested, the beans go through a roasting process to bring out their unique flavors and aromas before being packaged and shipped to stores.
Caffeine, the natural stimulant found in coffee, has a significant impact on our bodies. It works by blocking adenosine receptors in our brain, which are responsible for promoting sleep and suppressing wakefulness. As a result, we feel more awake and alert after consuming caffeine.

While other caffeine beverages like energy drinks and soda also contain caffeine, coffee offers several advantages. First and foremost, it has a higher concentration of caffeine than most other beverages, making it the best option for those who need a boost in the morning or afternoon. Additionally, coffee has a variety of health benefits, such as improving cognitive function, boosting metabolism, and reducing the risk of certain diseases like Parkinson’s and liver cancer. Refer to the infographic below for additional information directly from the NCA (National Coffee Association).

Coffee’s Versatility and Variety

One of the greatest things about coffee is its versatility and variety. Whether you need a jolt to wake you up in the morning or a pick-me-up in the afternoon, coffee has got you covered. You can have it black, with cream and sugar, as an iced drink, or even as a latte. The options are endless.
Plus, there are so many companies out there, each with their unique flavors and brewing techniques. From small artisanal roasters to large coffee chains, there is something for everyone. And if you prefer to make your coffee at home, you can experiment with different brewing methods and flavors, making it a personal and satisfying experience.
Furthermore, coffee is a drink that can be enjoyed at any time of the day, with any kind of food or snack. You can have a cup of coffee with breakfast or as a mid-morning snack, or even enjoy a warm latte in the afternoon with a slice of cake.
Overall, the versatility and variety of coffee make it the perfect beverage for any occasion, whether you need to be awake and alert in the morning, or simply crave a warm and comforting drink in the afternoon.

The Cost Comparison of Coffee vs. Other Caffeine Beverages

When it comes to getting your daily dose of caffeine, it’s important to consider the cost of your preferred beverage. While there are numerous caffeinated options available, coffee proves to be the most cost-efficient choice. That is, when you buy a bulk bag package of ground coffee.
Think about it: when you buy a bag of coffee, you’re not only getting a significant amount of caffeine but also multiple servings. A bag of coffee can provide you with several cups of coffee, depending on how strong you prefer it. On the other hand, buying individual cans or bottles of energy drinks or soda can quickly add up, especially if you consume them daily.
Not only does buying a bag of coffee save you money in the long run, but it also allows for customization. You can choose to brew your coffee stronger or milder, add your preferred amount of sugar or milk, and even experiment with different flavors. This level of versatility is hard to find in other caffeinated beverages.
Additionally, consider the cost per serving. A single cup of coffee made from a bag of coffee beans is significantly cheaper than a cup of energy drink or soda purchased from a convenience store. Over time, these small savings can add up and have a positive impact on your budget.
By choosing coffee over other caffeinated beverages, you’re not only making a smart financial decision, but you’re also indulging in a rich and diverse beverage that can be tailored to your taste preferences. So, the next time you’re craving caffeine, grab a bag of coffee and enjoy the cost savings and the deliciousness that comes with it.

The Cultural and Social Benefits of Drinking Coffee

In today’s fast-paced world, coffee has become much more than just a beverage to wake you up in the morning. It has transformed into a cultural and social phenomenon, especially among the youth, Gen Z, and Millennials. The popularity of coffee can be attributed to its versatility and the experiences it offers beyond just its stimulating effects.
Coffee shops have become trendy hangout spots, where people gather to catch up with friends, work remotely, or simply enjoy a moment of solitude. These cozy environments with their inviting aromas and comfortable seating have become a part of our urban culture. The rise of social media has also contributed to the coffee culture, with users sharing pictures of their favorite latte art or the latest coffee trends.
Moreover, coffee has become a form of self-expression. From artisanal brewing methods to unique flavor profiles, coffee enthusiasts are exploring the world of specialty coffee and embracing the diverse tastes and experiences it has to offer. The growing interest in sustainable and ethical sourcing has also influenced the coffee industry, with consumers actively seeking out fair-trade and organic options.
Furthermore, coffee has also become a symbol of productivity and creativity. Many creative professionals, such as writers, artists, and entrepreneurs, swear by the benefits of a good cup of coffee to fuel their inspiration and concentration. The ritual of preparing and enjoying coffee has become a valuable part of their creative process.
Overall, the cultural and social benefits of drinking coffee extend far beyond its stimulating properties. It has become a way to connect with others, explore different flavors and experiences, and even boost productivity and creativity. So, the next time you reach for your caffeine fix, remember that you’re not just enjoying a beverage, but immersing yourself in a vibrant and evolving coffee culture.

Written By Irina C. at LuxeBabe Studios. Enjoyed this article? Let us know in the comments below or browse more below 🙂

The Real Meaning of Angel Numbers

To Explore Angel numbers, one must first know what Numerology is. Many people today are unaware of what Numerology is. Some don’t even know what it means and presume it is just the study of numbers in a mathematical sense. Well of course that is true to some degree. However Numerology is deeper than just superficial numbers – It is the intrinsic nature of the way numbers relate to our world and can represent a genuine deeper meaning through a synchronistic event or feeling. Everything that the world and universe consists of also consists of numbers. Numbers rule the Universe. Exploring the history of numbers shows one the distinct ways numbers have and create deeper meaning to reveal a synchronicity or matrix-type knowledge to a person.

According to Numerologists, numerical patterns infiltrate everything in our world and nothing happens by accident; everything happens because of numbers. Each number contains a specific vibration that it emits. In fact, even the alphabet is a man-made communication tool originally derived from numbers. Thus the vibrations and feelings we express are the roots of the alphabet which originate from numbers. Beyond this, numerology is used and expressed to this day in many modern ways as well.

Numerology of “Angel Numbers

The topic of Angel Numbers is popular today in many media outlets. Whether it is an article on how certain repeating numbers symbolize a new path in life, or a Youtube or Tiktok video on how your angels are trying to speak to you through numbers, there’s no denying that it is a popular topic of interest to many today. But what do Angel numbers ACTUALLY mean? Are they just coincidences that we assert our own meaning and projections onto? Or is there a genuine cause for these repeating numbers in some ones’ life? The answer is not black and white, but there are a few theories that can explain the anomaly.

a. The presence and noticing of Angel Numbers means you are “in alignment.” When you start seeing synchronies of numbers, it is highly likely that your inner path and physical path are aligned; noticing the numbers is just a confirmation of that. Behind the scenes of the 3-D, we cannot see this “spiritual path” we are on, so sometimes numbers act as the evidence that the merging of the spiritual path and physical path is happening. When this happens, often strange things happen such as first noticing the synchronicities of numbers that also exist and transcend beyond our 3-D world.

b. Numbers are the root for vibrations, so when someone starts to notice a specific repeating number, it could be the physical world projecting back to them the vibrations and feelings of their inner world. There is a theory that the universe is like a boomerang – it always gives you what you put out, including your vibrations and feelings. Thus Angel Numbers could simply just be a confirmation of one’s own inner world thoughts, feelings, and vibrations. However there are several interpretations of what each specific digit 1-9 means, though they often have similar meanings since each number has a specific vibration. Below is an example of what each number can mean when seen or noticed repeatedly.

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Talk is Cheap

This Sunday the preacher’s sermon was powerful. I can probably say that about every sermon, but I just loved the simplicity behind the sermon. In my own words, I’d name the topic is “Talk is cheap.” This is a common phrase that is used – in songs, in quotes, a saying in conversations. Although I wonder if we know what it actually means. It seems like this is a universal saying, though not many know there is also a spiritual Interpretation behind this saying when it comes to God’s Kingdom. We can even find it in scripture.

“I will come soon, if the Lord let’s me, and I will find out whether these arrogant people just give pretentious speeches or whether they really have God’s power. For the Kingdom of God is not just a lot of talk; it is living by God’s power”

1 Corinthians 4:18

I mean, Wow. I think that was the first time I’ve really noticed this verse. Some people might see the Bible as a historical book about our ancestors,, but honestly it is far more that that. It indeed contains the blueprint for spiritual living. It’s so amazing how many golden nuggets scriptures contain. Revisiting the previous verse, we can see how irrelevant our talk is if we lack the substance of God in our life- God’s power and God’s love. Having God’s power and using it means we are confident in Him and confident in using Jesus’ name for both big or small problems in our life. These two are far more important than becoming a scholar in Theology and being able to refute points in a speech or argue. Knowledge can puff us up, but God’s love will edify and soften us. Sometimes we can get so caught up in the semantics of theology, that we need to go back to the basics and simplicity of God and the calling of God’s children: To love others, live by God’s power, and share it by being a living example of that.

Tim Tebow: Mission Possible

This is an excerpt from Tim Tebow’s recently released book called Mission Possible. I think he has created so much enlightenment in his writing for those who are trying to figure out God’s purpose for their lives. His words of wisdom bring more clarity for those on their journey to figuring out their vocation or calling in life.

” Lately, I’ve
heard a lot of questions like, “What is God’s will for my life?” Or some-
times it’s phrased differently, like, “How can I find my calling?” or “What
is my purpose?”
I’ve often wondered what those words even mean when we use them
like that. I know what Merriam and Webster have decided, but how
often have you heard those words dropped as a cliché in conversation?
What do they really mean? When people ask these kinds of questions,
what kind of answer are they looking for? Are they hoping for a general
answer: “to love and serve God and others”? Or a specific answer about
career: “You should become a doctor”? Or just an answer about making
a difference: “helping the poor or those who are underprivileged”? Or
are they looking for something more glamorous, like becoming a best-
selling author or winning an Emmy?
Am I asking too many questions when you’re hoping to find some
All these questions about purpose remind me of a comedic conver-
sation in The Hobbit. After finishing his breakfast, Bilbo Baggins is stand-
ing by his front door, when none other than Gandalf comes waltzing by.
Bilbo nods at the old wizard and says, “Good morning” It’s a typical early-day greeting that requires nothing more than a nod and a smile.
But Gandalf is too deep for that.
He says to Bilbo, “Do you wish me a good morning, or mean that it is
a good morning whether I want it or not; or that you feel good this
morning; or that it is a morning to be good on?”1
I suppose we each have a little Gandalf in us. We can get hung up on
questions or confused by semantics instead of taking action, even just
one little step. “

I love how transparent Tebow is being here – we all ask these questions and on one hand we may know what we’re talking about, and on the other hand, we may also have a vague idea of what “calling” is referring to. Is it our jobs? Our roles as parents or spouses? Our contribution to charities? Our contribution to our local church? Our impact on others? We may all have a different perception of what a calling is. Are we overcomplicating and overthinking this just like Gandalf was overthinking the phrase “good morning”? As we read on, Tebow reminds us how clear the Bible is on what our (a beleiver’s) calling is.

” Scripture gives us one shared and big-picture purpose: to glorify
God. As believers, we honor and serve Him with our lives, our natural
gifts, our resources, our bodies, our worship, and our decisions. The list
is vast, but the goal is clear. In His last instructions to His disciples, Jesus
commanded them to “go, therefore, and make disciples of all the na-
tions, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the
Holy Spirit, teaching them to follow all that I commanded you.” (Matthew 28:19–20) Now, this scriptural charge doesn’t mean that you have to become a missionary or plant yourself on the other side of the world. Nor does it
mean that you have to sing worship songs during every waking hour
(though if you feel a tug on your heart to do that, go for it!). But it does
mean that your big-picture purpose is to bring glory to God wherever
you are.
After, and only after, you latch on to that God-given, big-picture purpose, there’s a way to identify what your personal purpose might be.
Within that greater purpose of glorifying God, you find your purpose in what you do every day. Simply put, purpose is about being mission driven in your ordinary life.”

It’s hard to live mission possible when we don’t fully believe that we are made in God’s image, hand-chosen by Him and fully equipped to carry out works of eternal significance. It’s actually impossible. You will never come to believe that your life counts if you think you are here by accident or you’re stuck in a space where you’re just going through the motions.

God has designed you so that you don’t have to bumble your way
through life. I believe He wants you to find your purpose. There are times we’re already walking in our purpose and we might not even know it! Sometimes God makes it clear, and sometimes it might not feel that way. That’s why it’s called living by faith, not by sight.

Tim Tebow

Don’t live with the goal of just getting by. Live with a greater significance
than achievements, accolades, or an impressive bio. With purpose, your
life overflows with meaning. You are alive because you are connected to
the source of all creation. God has a plan for you to love and care for
people. You honor Him through that mission.

Meditating about a Kingdom Lifestyle

God has really been pressing information about His Kingdom to the church lately. Isn’t funny how most of us haven’t even been a part of a kingdom on earth, so naturally we just assume God’s Kingdom will be like a country? (Because that’s what we’re used to) Yet, surely we should know that a Kingdom is far different from a country in how it operates. It’s worth thinking about and preparing for a Kingdom-like lifestyle, because ultimately we will one day be ushered into the new heaven/new earth where we will live with the King (God) and all His people. Sometimes we get so caught up in earthly things that we forget about this reality and new earth and lifestyle that will sooner or later come to be✨ (and is already in our midst in the unseen world)

We know that many kingdoms function similarly, so maybe perhaps we can expect The Kingdom of God to have similar qualities, which are:

All kingdoms have:

  • A king and lord–a sovereign ruler
  • A territory–a domain
  • A constitution–a royal covenant
  • A citizenry–a community of subjects
  • The law–acceptable principles
  • Privileges–rights and benefits
  • A code of ethics–acceptable lifestyles and conducts
  • An army–security
  • A commonwealth–economic security, and
  • A social culture–traditions, protocol and procedures

And so, although we have the ability to enjoy a variety of experiences and enjoy pushing ourselves in different endeavors in this lifetime, we should also remember we have a different life ahead of us. “Remind us how brief our time on earth will be. Remind us that our days are numbered- how fleeting life is. You have made our life no longer than the width of our hand. Our entire lifetime is just is just a moment to you; at best, each of us is but a breath. We are merely moving shadows, and all our busy rushing ends in nothing…”
Psalm 39🌸

God is Within Us, Literally in our DNA

The other day the preacher said that sometimes people nowadays think that people “need to be freed from the bondage of God/religion” its funny because usually those same people are in bondage to a certain sin or misunderstood God with all the religious fog. Having a relationship with God is not a binding obligation, but rather a liberating relationship that gives us True freedom from the enemy’s deceptive lies.

Whatever God really is, we may never know. But we can know for a fact that that perfect high power does exist. 🙌🏼  He’s behind every good thing inside of us, outside of us, and even in the details of our every day lives- from the beautiful sunrises and sunsets, the scenery at the top of a hike, the science behind the soothing lotion we put on, the chapstick that helps releive a coldsore, the advanced technology of our computers and cars, the way a crisp cake is baked, the cinematic effects of a movie, etc, etc. God is the superbrain of knowledge & Truth, without God we wouldn’t have all these modern technological advances, we wouldn’t have music, we wouldn’t have the people we love, we wouldn’t have anything. So before secular people assume God is just an unreachable celestial grandpma just watching us in the heavens, know first that God is far from that and cannot be put in a box.

God is literally in the DNA of the people he uses for worldly design AND heavenly kingdom (and alot of those people are probably unbeleivers, which are used for worldly design/civilization but not heavenly kingdom if they don’t choose God). There’s a theory that those that have God’s DNA are a purebred and those that don’t are hybrid human (the false image of God, or Satan’s genetics and DNA, have infiltrated them and will predictably be mostly involved with secular endeavors) and the purebred know deep down that God is within them (literally, in their DNA, 🧬 and they will be mostly involved in The Kingdom of God realm whilst living on earth in the true Image of God).

” Satan’s goal is to alter the DNA of mankind so that a false government leader plus a false religious leader can be produced to join Satan as an unholy trinity. “

If you haven’t cultivated a relationship with Jesus yet/been saved, anytime is a great time but now especially is the best time. 💫💜The enemy is quite literally right in front of us! The DNA of satan, or “the false image of God”, has totally infiltrated humankind, the exact reason why God sent the great flood to wipe out humanity and its wicked ways because satan interfered and ruined the real image of God. This is the prime time to be the salt of the earth and help save people from the enemy’s lies.🌏💫✨🧂

The Stages Of Spiritual Awakening

Being aware of where we are in our spiritual awakening journey is important. It gives us a compass to know which direction we need to move forward in the inner world. Take some time to consider what stage you are at today. Sometimes we may even go through the stages many times and peel down our own layers and society’s conditionings in order to come back to the joy and first love that we all had as babies or young children.

Stage 1 – Unhappiness and emptiness

Stage 2 – Perception shifts

Stage 3 – Seeking answers and meaning

Stage 4 – Finding answers and experiencing breakthroughs

Stage 5 – Disillusionment and feeling lost

Stage 6 – Deeper inner work

Stage 7 – Integration, expansion, Joy
